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We have made a bit of a last minute decision and decided we are going to open for the WHOLE OF THE CHRISTMAS period! Apart from Christmas Day

We were waiting to hear what the decision was regarding Tiers before we made our decision and now we're staying in Tier 2 it looks like we can do it!! So we're CELEBRATING!!

So dust off those Christmas jumpers and get your tables booked!

Some even better news is we are OPEN ON NEW YEARS EVE!! Again we wanted to wait until we heard if any new rules were released but we think we've waited long enough! We will be open 12-3pm & then 6-11pm with plenty of Mezze dishes on offer for your substantial meals, so drinks will be flowing to celebrate bringing in the New Year! I think we're all hoping for better things to come.

We will even throw in a glass of bubbly on arrival for those booking tables on New Years Eve!

Tier 2 rules are still in place, so bookings for groups up to 6 from the same household or bubble for tables inside. BUT don't forget we have our heated Arabian Lounge outside, with 3 tables ready to seat groups of up to 6 from different households.



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